kate winslet1 kate winslet2
Kate Winslet Kate Winslet




01face 02hair 03forehead 04eyebrows 05eyes 06ears 07nose 08lips 09chin



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linking words 1

In the picture you can see a woman.

На картинке вы можете видеть женщину.

Her hair is gathered behind her head in the first photo and blond colored.

Ее волосы собраны позади ее головы на первой фотографии и светлого цвета.

You can see her hair roots originally are brunette.

Вы можете видеть ее корни волос изначально изначально темного цвета.

Her forehead is sloped.

Ее лоб покатый.

She has almond eyes.

У нее миндалевидные глаза.

Her nose is straight.

Eе нос прямой.

Her lips are red and normal.

Ее губы красные и обычной (формы).

Her face is round.

Ее лицо круглое.

On her ears you see big earrings.

На ее ушах вы видите большие серьги.

She has a round chin.

У нее круглый подбородок.

In the second photo her wavy blond hair strands fall on her shoulders. 

На втором фото ее волнистые пряди светлых волос падают ей на плечи.

She is slightly smiling.

Она слегка улыбается.

She is about 40 years old.

Ей около 40 лет.


About Kate Winslet (краткие биографические сведения)


Kate Elizabeth Winslet is an English actress. Kate was born on October 5th, 1975 in the town or Reading, Berkshire.  Her parents are Roger Winslet and Sally Bridges.


Her parents worked as actors but were not very successful and had part-time jobs between acting performances. Kate has two other sisters Anna and Beth who are both actresses, and a younger brother, Joss.


The family had limited financial means (1), lived on free meal benefits (2) and was supported by the charity (3) “Actor's Charitable Trust”.


Kate was interested in acting from an early age. At the age of eleven she began to learn the basics of acting at “Redroofs Theater School” and studied there until 1992.


Her first debut and breakthrough role was as an actress in the film "Heavenly Creatures" (1994). She found it difficult to detach (4) herself from her character. She said that after returning home, she often cried. This film was a critical breakthrough for Winslet's acting career.


In 1997, she won the female lead role in "Titanic" directed by James Cameron. It made Winslet an instant worldwide movie star.


After that, the actress chose only those films that seemed interesting to her, preferring to work not for the sake of (5) an impressive fee, but for the images that inspired her.


In 1999, she asked the director Max Newsom to find a role for her in his drama "Plunge". The budget was low, so the actress agreed to work for free.


Also in 2000, Kate Winslet took part in the recording of the album called "Listen To the Storyteller" and received the Grammy Award in the category, "Best Collaborative Album for Children".


Kate stared in a romantic comedy “The Holiday” (2006). She played Iris who temporarily (6) exchanges homes with an American (played by Cameron Diaz) during the Christmas holiday season.


"Revolutionary Road" (2008) is the film where Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio played together again, since 1997.


In 1996, Kate was listed as one among "50 most beautiful people in the world", according to the American magazine “People”.


Winslet has been married tree times and has 3 children. All of them live with her. She refuses (7) jobs that take her away from her children for long periods of time and enjoys packing lunches and doing the school run (8) with them.

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Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):



means [miːnz]



free meal benefits [ˈbenəˌfɪts]

бесплатная еда


charity [ˈtʃærəti]

благотворительное учреждение


detach [dɪˈtætʃ]



for the sake of [seɪk]



temporarily [ˌtempəˈrerəli]



refuse [rɪˈfjuːz]

отказываться, отказывать


school run

отвозить ребёнка в школу и забирать обратно на машине



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