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floyd Mayweather Jr1 floyd Mayweather Jr2
Floyd Mayweather Jr. Floyd Mayweather Jr.




01face 02hair 03forehead 04eyebrows 05eyes 06ears 07nose 08lips 09chin



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linking words 1


In the picture you can see a man.

На картинке вы можете видеть мужчину.

He is black.

Он черный.

He is bald.

Он лысый.

His forehead is sloped.

Его лоб наклонный.

His eyes are brown. 

Его глаза карие.

His nose is broken and a littleflat.

Его нос сломанный и немного приплюснутый.

His lips are normal and you can see white teeth through them.

Его губы нормальные, ивы можете видеть сквозь них белые зубы .

He has an oval face.

У него овальное лицо.

His ears are oval with the attached lobe.

Его уши овальные с прикрепленной мочкой.

His has an oval chin.

У него овальныйподбородок.

He has a mustache and a beard.

У него есть усы и борода.

He looks like a fighter.

Он выглядит как боец.

He is around 40 years old.

Ему около 40 лет.



Read by George William Dole


Floyd Mayweather Jr. (краткие биографические сведения)


Floyd Joy Mayweather Jr. is an American professional boxing promoter and former (1) professional boxer. Floyd was born on February 21, 1977 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


His boxing career choice was strongly influenced (2) by his boxing family. His father, Floyd Mayweather Sr., was a professional boxer. His uncles Roger and Jeff were also famous professional boxers. Roger Mayweather who won two world championships was Floyd's coach (3).


From the age of 8 Floyd started going to a boxing gym and trained under the guidance (4) of his father and uncles.


Ring magazine rated Floyd ‘Number One Boxer" pound-for-pound boxer for years 2005-2007, 2009-2010, and 2013.


Despite the boxing family, Floyd's childhood was not easy. Floyd remembers, "When I was eight or nine, I lived in New Jersey with my mother and there were seven of us living in one room. Sometimes we did not have electricity."


When Floyd’s father served time in prison (5) for selling drugs Floyd dropped out of school and focused on boxing.


During Floyd's amateur career of 90 fights he won 84. He had a nickname "Pretty Boy" because of his defensive (6) tactics that allowed him not to waste many punches during fights.


At the age of 19 he entered the professional boxing ring where he remained unbeaten.


Thanks to his unique defensive technique, quick hands and endurance (7), Floyd won victories over the best fighters of his time.


Mayweather's defense, "Rolling Shoulders", allowed him to effectively avoid (8) almost all his opponents punches during fights. But even when he got hit, his strong jaw and quick mind let him continue fighting without being greatly disturbed.


In Floyd's total professional boxing career he had 50 fights that he all won. 27 of them he won by knockouts.


Floyd Mayweather is the most highly paid boxer in the history of professional boxing. His fight with Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao earned him $ 300 million.


In 2008, Mayweather recorded a rap song titled "Yep" that he used for his entrance to the ring on Wrestle Mania XXIV in his match against Big Show.

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Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):



former [ˈfɔːrmər]

бывший, прежний


influence [ˈɪnfluəns]

оказывать влияние


coach [kəʊtʃ]



guidance [ˈɡʌɪd(ə)ns]

руководство, рекомендация


prison [ˈprɪzn]



defensive [dɪˈfensɪv]

оборонительный, защитный


endurance [ɪnˈdjʊər(ə)ns]



avoid [ˈəˈvɔɪd]



Read by George William Dole


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