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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами А22-А28 соответствующими формами слов. 

Dreadful Monster

I heard this story from a man with whom we were travelling by the Indian Pacific, a train which makes a journey from the western territory to the eastern coast of Australia every two weeks. The A22 route of the Indian Pacific, which derived its name from the two oceans it connects, is long and indirect. A passenger can devote hours simply to the views in the train's windows. That's why after a substantial breakfast my companion and I passed the time looking into the window. Besides eagles, we could see kangaroos and emus which grazed close to the track. Then we saw a farm and a small A23 herd of cattle. There were sheep, some cows and a large bull. Suddenly my companion asked: "Do you know who is the most A24 dangerous animal in the world?" — "A tiger," I replied without any hesitation. "No, you are A25 mistaken. It is a bull." And he told me the following story. "I was working in a small aircraft company then. We delivered vegetables, fruit, and sometimes cattle by air. It was not a surprise for us that the plane was hired to transport a large bull from one part of the country to the other. I went to check the wooden crate and was sure that it looked safe. Soon the plane A26 took off and our dramatic flight started. At first all went well, but suddenly we heard a loud crack. The bull broke loose from his crate and rushed into the flight cabin. For a moment we were at a A27 loss. Then the captain seized the bull's nose-ring and pulled him away. I made an emergency A28 landingin a field. We both jumped out safe, while the bull crashed about inside our tiny plane, smashing everything to pieces!"


1) travel


2) trip


3) route

путь (обычно употребляется с водой: морем, океаном и т.д.)

4) road



1) herd


2) crowd


3) school


4) pack



1) wild


2) cruel

жестокий, безжалостный

3) dangerous


4) mean



1) mistake

Be A mistake -употребляется с артиклем, так как mistake - существительное

2) faulty

Be faulty - быть неисправным, поврежденным

3) mistaken

Be mistaken - заблуждаться, ошибаться

4) imperfect

Be imperfect - быть несовершенным


1) flew

2) took

Take off - взлететь; употребляется с воздушными суднами как устоявшийся фразовый глагол, ничего другого здесь быть не может

3) put

4) brought


1) loss

Be at a loss - быть в затруднительномположении; устоявшееся выражение

2) uncertainty

3) trouble

4) danger


1) stop


2) finish

финиш, конец

3) ending

завершение, окончание

4) landing
