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Plant Doctor

On a January day in 1921, a middle-aged Negro man sat in a room of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. He was waiting to talk to an important congressional committee which was meeting to A22 .............. tariffs on products. He had made the long journey from his research laboratory in Tuskegee, Alabama, at the request of peanut farmers who wanted to A23 .............. their growing industry from foreign imports. He had introduced them to the peanut as a soil-building valuable crop. He had also developed more than 300 separate products from this plain plant — products ranging from peanut milk and instant coffee to leather and wood stains. After several hours of waiting, a committee staff member finally told Dr. Carver that he would be allowed only ten minutes for his talk. The committee members, he said, were tired from A24 .............. to facts and figures all day. They were A25 .............. to end the meeting. Dr. Carver quickly began A26 .............. to the committee his work and the important role the peanut was beginning to play in the economy of the South. By the time ten minutes were up, the congressmen had become so A27 .............. that they asked Carver to continue. They asked question after question. For more than two hours the scientist answered. When the meeting finally ended, the congressmen stood and applauded, a rare honour for a committee witness. Three months later The Peanut World magazine published a full-page tribute to Dr. Carver for his efforts in obtaining the desired tariff. That tribute was only one of hundreds that came to this son of slave parents who had overcome hardship and prejudice to become one of the world's most A28 .............. botanists and agricultural chemists.


1) take

2) set

3) appoint

4) point


1) seize

2) persuade

3) defend

4) protect


1) hearing

2) presenting

3) listening

4) showing


1) anxious

2) boring

3) tiring

4) desirable


1) telling

2) explaining

3) representing

4) speaking


1) excited

2) interested

3) depressed

4) active


1) wonderful

2) beautiful

3) respectful

4) respected