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Фоменко Е.А., Бодоньи М.А. и др_ЕГЭ-2014    
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В11-В16 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 06 (part 2)

Some need it hot


'Curryholics' may be more hooked on their favourite Indian dish than they realize. Researchers at Hot- tinham Trent University have found that eating a curry raises the heartbeat and blood pressure to much greater extent than Blander food.



The result is that the bodies of 'curryholics' crave curry, and can even get satisfaction just from the anticipation of an Indian meal.



Frequent consumers also develop a tolerance to curries, so they have to eat hotter and hotter dishes in order to get their 'fix'.  The hotter the curry is, the more addictive it is. Professor Stephen Gray, who led the research, said: 'What we are seeing is physiological and psychological effects, combining to create an addiction.



Curry gives you a natural 'high' much more powerful than anything  you  get  with  traditional British foods.' In the study the researchers analysed the effects of three types of curry on 100 volunteers aged between 10 and 80.



The effects were significant when compared to a control meal of fish and chips. All three curries led to a much greater heart rate.



You should be more cautious in eating hot food.