Фоменко Е.А., Бодоньи М.А. и др_ЕГЭ-2014    

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Woody Allen, whose real name is Allen Konigsberg, was born in 1935. He is an actor, and specializes in adult comedies set in New York. Among his best known films are Annie Hall (1977), The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) and Mighty Aphrodite (1995).

When he ………………………… films, he usually plays the clarinet in a New York jazz club.



Most people ………………………… that the characters that Woody Allen plays, which tend to be very similar, are based on his own personality.



He ………………………… this, but there is some evidence to the contrary. Like many of the characters he plays, he is genuinely shy. 'For me the real pleasure is writing.



Making the movie is this: you're out there in the cold and rain, you're freezing, the clock is ticking, you're spending thousands of dollars, and people keep …………………………, 'Hurry up'. The nicest feeling I know is that the film is opening in Chicago and I'm not there-  I'm in bed, relaxing, reading, playing my clarinet. All my life I've enjoyed not being at the opening night.' Woody Allen is also very insure about his films.



By the time the film …………………………, it was never exactly as he wanted it.



In fact, he was so disappointed with Manhattan that he tried to buy the movie back from United Artistsand promised that he ………………………… another film for free if they destroyed it for him or threw it away.



They refused, and the film ………………………… for an Oscar. The big question is, is he happy?


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