Фоменко Е.А., Бодоньи М.А. и др_ЕГЭ-2014    

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Louse Woodward, 18-year old nanny, ………………………… in 1998 by a court in the United States of murdering the infant Matthew Eappen. Recently she spoke about her experience of a televised court case at the Edinburgh Television Festival. Louse criticized the televising of trials.



'It should never be the case of ………………………… into a defendant's eyes and then make a decision on their guilt or innocence', she told the Edinburgh Television Festival.



'It should be the law that ………………………… on a person's guilt, but television, with its human and emotional interest, takes the attention away from this.' Although she thought it was an inevitable development, she added: 'Television turns everything into entertainment. We should remember that in the end court- rooms are serious places.



It is people's lives and future lives that you ………………………… with. It is not a soap opera and people should not see it like that.



Serious issues shouldn't ………………………….



She admitted that she ………………………… it difficult to live a normal life since returning to Britain.



She blamed the publicity on the televising of her trial, which ………………………… on Sky News in this country.


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