Your Words
глагол verb
существительное noun
прилагательное adjective
причастие participle
наречие adverb
числительное numeral
Эти таблицы позволят Вам потренироваться в словообразовании. Этот навык необходим для решения второго задания раздела «Грамматика» ЕГЭ. Прежде всего надо выучить правила словообразования в английском языке. К сожалению, помимо знания правил, необходимо еще иметь опыт и интуицию, которые нарабатываются с помощью решения множества тестов на эти правила.
1 |
recognize |
verb |
identify, place |
John recognized him at once |
распознавать, узнавать |
2 |
recognizable |
part |
identifiable, noticeable |
he was recognizable only by his voice |
узнаваемый |
3 |
construct |
verb |
build, erect, put up |
a new building has been constructed |
строить |
4 |
construction |
noun |
building, erection |
the construction of a new airport |
строительство, стройка |
5 |
research |
noun |
investigation, experimentation |
he continued his research |
исследование, изучение |
6 |
research |
verb |
investigate, study, inquire into |
the phenomenon has been widely researched |
исследовать, изучать |
7 |
researcher |
noun |
explorer, investigator |
this independent researcher is a good specialist |
исследователь, ученый |
8 |
equip |
verb |
provide, furnish, supply |
we equipped the boat with everything it needed |
оборудовать, снаряжать, оснащать |
9 |
equipment |
noun |
apparatus, paraphernalia |
the equipment of the laboratory was really good |
оборудование, оснащение |
10 |
equipped |
adj |
furnished, supplied |
all bedrooms are equipped with a color TV |
оборудованный, обустроенный |
11 |
compare |
verb |
contrast, juxtapose |
we compared the candidates |
сравнивать |
12 |
comparison |
noun |
juxtaposition, collation |
we make a comparison between these two things |
сравнение, сопоставление |
13 |
comparable |
adj |
similar, close |
the situation in Holland is comparable to that in England |
сопоставимый, сравнимый |
14 |
incomparable |
adj |
without equal, beyond compare |
incomparable beauty |
несравненный, бесподобный, несравнимый |
15 |
history |
noun |
the past, former times |
I am studying medieval European history |
история |
16 |
historical |
adj |
documented, recorded |
those were famous historical figures |
Исторический, относящийся к истоии |
17 |
historic |
adj |
significant, notable, important |
the historic event took place in 1881 |
исторический, имеющий историческое значение |
18 |
prehistoric |
adj |
primitive, primeval |
prehistoric times |
доисторический |
19 |
historian |
noun |
an expert in or student of history |
he was a military historian |
историк |
20 |
historically |
adv |
with reference to past events |
He gave a historically accurate picture of that time. |
исторически |
21 |
detail |
verb |
describe, explain |
the report details the problem |
подробно описывать, вводить в подробности |
22 |
detailed |
adj |
comprehensive, full, complete |
I had a detailed description of the event |
подробный, детальный, доскональный |
23 |
predict |
verb |
forecast, foretell |
no one can predict the outcome |
предсказывать, прогнозировать |
24 |
predictable |
adj |
foreseeable, (only) to be expected |
his reaction was predictable |
предсказуемый |
25 |
unpredictable |
adj |
unforeseeable, uncertain |
his behavior is unpredictable |
непредсказуемый |
26 |
predictably [prɪˈdɪktəblɪ] |
adv |
foreseeably |
the Democratic party predictably won the election |
как и ожидалось |
27 |
[prəˌdɪktəˈbɪləti] |
adj |
foreseeability |
you should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity |
предсказуемость |
28 |
play |
verb |
take part in, participate in |
I like to play with children |
играть, резвиться |
29 |
player |
noun |
participant, contestant |
a tournament for young players |
игрок |
30 |
differ |
verb |
contrast with, be different from |
you can differ them from each other |
отличать, различать |
31 |
difference |
noun |
dissimilarity, contrast |
the difference between two versions is huge |
разница, различие, |
32 |
indifference |
noun |
lack of concern, unconcern |
he showed indifference towards me |
безразличие, равнодушие |
33 |
different |
adj |
dissimilar, unalike, unlike |
people with different lifestyles |
различный, разный, отличный |
34 |
indifferent |
adj |
unconcerned, uninterested |
most workers were indifferent to foreign affairs. |
безразличный, равнодушный |
35 |
profession |
noun |
career, occupation |
he is a lawyer by profession |
профессия, род занятий |
36 |
professional |
adj |
expert, virtuoso |
she was a real professional on stage |
профессионал |
37 |
unprofessional |
adj |
amateurish, amateur, unskilled |
those are unprofessional people |
непрофессиональный |
38 |
professionally [prəˈfɛʃ(ə)nəlɪ] |
adv |
expertly, skillfully |
he was professionally trained |
профессионально |
39 |
unprofessionally[ʌnprəˈfeʃnəlɪ] |
adv |
amateurishly, amateurly |
he did it very unprofessionally |
непрофессионально |
40 |
nation |
noun |
country |
an independent nation |
народ, нация |
41 |
national |
adj |
state, public |
we sang the national anthem |
государственный, народный |
42 |
nationality |
noun |
citizenship |
what is your nationality? |
национальность |
43 |
international |
adj |
global, worldwide |
It’s an international business concern |
международный, интернациональный |
44 |
popular |
adj |
well-liked, favored |
It’s the most popular restaurant in town |
популярный, известный |
45 |
popularity |
noun |
vogue |
the popularity of football is really high |
популярность, известность |
46 |
popularly |
adv |
widely, generally |
this encyclopaedia is popularly written |
популярно, в доступной форме |
47 |
unpopular |
adj |
disliked, friendless |
he was unpopular at school |
непопулярный |
48 |
freeze |
verb |
turn into ice, ice over, ice up |
you'll freeze to death standing there |
замерзать, превращаться в лед |
49 |
frozen |
part |
icy, ice-covered |
my frozen feet |
замерзший, застывший |
50 |
freezing |
noun |
bitter, bitterly cold, icy |
there was a freezing wind |
замораживающий, охлаждающий |
51 |
explore |
verb |
investigate, look into |
they explored all the possibilities |
исследовать, изучать |
52 |
explorer |
noun |
traveler, discoverer |
the street is named after Peary, the Arctic explorer |
исследователь |
53 |
exploration |
noun |
investigation, study, survey |
the exploration of space is going on |
исследование |
54 |
unexplored |
adj |
not investigated or mapped |
the research focuses on an unexplored theme in European history. |
неизведанный, неисследованный |
55 |
able |
adj |
capable of, competent to |
the baby is able to walk already |
способный, обладающий способностью |
56 |
unable |
adj |
powerless, not capable of |
we are unable to help you |
неспособный |
57 |
disable |
verb |
incapacitate, put out of action |
John disabled the bomb |
делать неспособным или непригодным |
58 |
enable |
verb |
allow, permit, activate |
he enabled the device |
разрешать, разблокировать, включать |
59 |
ability |
noun |
capacity, capability |
the ability to read and write |
способность, возможность |
60 |
inability |
noun |
lack of ability, incapability |
his inability to accept new ideas makes me upset |
неспособность, неумение |
61 |
success |
noun |
favorable outcome, successfulness, accomplishment |
sudden success made him happy |
удача, успех |
62 |
successful |
adj |
victorious, triumphant |
what can we do to make this campaign successful? |
успешный, удачный |
63 |
successfully |
adv |
well, fortunately |
he always deals successfully with tasks |
успешно, с успехом |
64 |
unsuccessful |
adj |
failed, ineffective |
his efforts were unsuccessful |
безуспешный, неудачный |
65 |
wealth |
noun |
affluence, prosperity, riches |
Health and wealth are very important |
богатство, состояние |
66 |
wealthy |
adj |
rich, affluent |
he was a wealthy man |
богатый, состоятельный |
67 |
solve |
verb |
resolve, answer, work out |
she can solve your problem |
решать, разрешать |
68 |
solution |
noun |
answer, result, resolution |
an easy solution to the problem |
решение, разрешение |
69 |
salvation |
noun |
redemption, deliverance |
if you do everything right you will get salvation |
избавление, спасение |
70 |
sell |
verb |
put up for sale, offer for sale |
they want to sell their house |
торговать, продавать |
71 |
sale |
noun |
deal, transaction |
they make a sale every minute: |
продажа, реализация, сбыт |
72 |
sold |
part |
gone, emptied |
it’s sold |
проданный |
73 |
contribute |
verb |
give, donate, put up |
the government contributed a million dollars into the economy |
делать вклад, жертвовать |
74 |
contribution |
noun |
donation, gift, offering |
the smallest contribution will be thankfully received |
вклад |
75 |
achieve |
verb |
attain, reach |
he wants to achieve victory |
достигать, добиваться |
76 |
achievement |
noun |
attainment, realization, accomplishment |
the achievement of a high rate of economic growth |
достижение, успех |
77 |
child |
noun |
youngster, little one, boy |
he is a well-behaved child |
ребенок, дитя |
78 |
children |
noun |
infant, youth, baby |
the children are with their father now |
дети |
79 |
childhood |
noun |
youth, early years, early life |
since my childhood, I have been an avid reader |
детство |
80 |
neighbour |
noun |
next, near, friend |
It’s my next-door neighbours |
сосед, соседка |
81 |
neighborhood |
noun |
territory, environs |
he lived in the neighbourhood of the station |
соседство, (свой) район, квартал |
82 |
young |
adj |
youthful, juvenile, junior |
young people |
молодой, юный |
83 |
youth |
noun |
early years, young days |
I was strong in my youth |
молодость, юность |
84 |
emotion |
noun |
feeling, sentiment |
she was good at hiding her emotions |
чувство, ощущение |
85 |
emotional |
adj |
passionate, hot-blooded |
an emotional young man |
эмоциональный |
86 |
develop |
verb |
grow, expand |
you must develop your business |
развивать, совершенствовать |
87 |
development |
noun |
evolution, growth |
let’s talk about the development of our company |
развитие, рост |
88 |
developer |
noun |
contriver, designer |
one great developer made this |
разработчик, изобретатель |
89 |
developed |
adj |
evolved, enlarged |
his sense of smell was developed |
хорошо развитый |
90 |
undeveloped |
adj |
backward, retarded |
these are undeveloped countries |
неразвитыой |
91 |
die |
verb |
pass away, pass on |
her father died last year |
умирать |
92 |
dead |
adj |
passed on/away, expired |
his parents were dead |
мёртвый |
93 |
death |
noun |
demise, dying |
her father's death seriously upset me |
смерть |
94 |
deadly [ˈdɛdlɪ] |
completely, absolutely |
he was deadly pale |
смертельно, полностью |
95 |
produce |
verb |
manufacture, make |
the company produces furniture |
производить, выпускать |
96 |
production |
noun |
manufacture, making |
the production of washing machines is growing |
производство, изготовление |
97 |
product |
noun |
artifact, commodity |
their dairy products were delicious |
продукт, продукция |
98 |
productive |
adj |
useful, constructive, profitable |
that was a productive talk |
производительный, продуктивный полезный |
99 |
produced |
part |
Manufactured, made |
the honey is produced by those bees is not good |
произведенный |
100 |
producer |
noun |
manufacturer, maker |
this car producer makes 100 000 cars a year |
изготовитель, поставщик |
101 |
arrive |
verb |
come, turn up |
all the guests have arrived |
прибывать, приезжать |
102 |
arrival |
noun |
coming, appearance |
his unexpected arrival shocked me |
приезд, прибытие |
103 |
use |
verb |
utilize, make use of |
he used her key to open the front door |
использовать |
104 |
user |
noun |
customer, consumer |
our users are a little picky |
потребитель, пользователь |
105 |
useful |
adj |
functional, practical |
a useful multipurpose tool |
полезный |
106 |
useless |
adj |
futile, to no avail |
his useless attempts to get her number made me laugh |
бесполезный, тщетный |
107 |
economy |
noun |
wealth, (financial) resources |
the nation's economy |
хозяйство, экономика |
108 |
economical |
adj |
thrifty, provident |
He is a very economical shopper. He never spends a lot. |
бережливый, хозяйственный |
109 |
economical |
adj |
cheap, inexpensive |
it’s an economical car |
экономичный, дешевый |
110 |
grow |
verb |
get bigger |
your boys have grown |
расти |
111 |
growth |
noun |
increase, expansion |
population growth is impressive |
рост, развитие |
112 |
wide |
adj |
broad, extensive |
this river is wide |
широкий |
113 |
widen |
verb |
broaden, make/become wider |
I have a proposal to widen the highway |
расширять |
114 |
width |
noun |
breadth, broadness |
the width of the river is huge |
ширина |
115 |
widely |
adv |
extensively |
he was a widely-known person |
широко |
116 |
hard |
adj |
firm, solid |
this ground is hard |
жёсткий, твёрдый |
117 |
harden |
verb |
solidify |
this glue will harden in four hours |
делать твёрдым |
118 |
harden |
verb |
toughen, desensitize |
their suffering hardened them |
становиться выносливым, закаляться, черстветь |
119 |
hardly |
adv |
scarcely, barely |
we hardly know each other |
едва, едва ли |
120 |
strong [strɔŋ] |
adj |
powerful, muscular |
she cut through the water with her strong arms |
cильный |
121 |
strength |
noun |
power, brawn |
this guy has enormous physical strength |
сила |
122 |
strengthen |
verb |
fortify, make strong/stronger |
calcium strengthens growing bones |
усиливать, укреплять |
123 |
inhabit |
verb |
live in/on, occupy |
humans do not inhabit this island |
жить, обитать |
124 |
inhabitant |
noun |
resident |
the inhabitants have organized a protest |
житель, обитатель |
125 |
inhabitation |
noun |
residence |
Inhabitation is not possible here |
проживание |
126 |
globe |
noun |
world, earth |
it’s in every corner of the globe |
шар, земля |
127 |
global |
adj |
worldwide, international |
the global economy |
мировой, всемирный, глобальный |
128 |
confident |
adj |
self-assured, assured |
he is a confident young man |
уверенный |
129 |
confidence |
noun |
self-assurance, self-confidence |
she's brimming with confidence |
уверенность |
130 |
long [lɔŋ] |
adj |
lengthy, extended |
after a long silence he started to talk |
длинный |
131 |
length [leŋθ] |
noun |
extent, distance |
the whole length of the valley is 100 km |
длина |
132 |
lengthen [ˈleŋθən] |
verb |
elongate, make longer |
he lengthened his step to keep up |
удлинять |
133 |
science [ˈsaɪəns] |
noun |
study |
he teaches science at the high school |
наука |
134 |
scientist [ˈsaɪəntɪst] |
noun |
researcher |
he is a nuclear scientist |
ученый |
135 |
scientific [saɪənˈtɪfɪk] |
adj |
technological, technical |
it’s going to be a scientific research |
научный |
136 |
see [siː] |
verb |
watch, look at |
I see him every day |
видеть |
137 |
sight [saɪt] |
noun |
eyesight, vision |
she has excellent sight |
зрение |
138 |
sight [saɪt] |
noun |
view, glimpse |
at the sight of her he felt horrible |
вид, зрелище |
139 |
agree [əˈgriː] |
verb |
concur |
I agree with you |
соглашаться |
140 |
disagree [dɪsəˈgriː] |
verb |
fail to agree, be in dispute/contention |
no one was willing to disagree with him |
не соглашаться |
141 |
agreement [əˈgriːmənt] |
noun |
accord, concurrence |
all heads nodded in agreement |
соглашение, договор |
142 |
understand [ʌndəˈstænd] |
verb |
comprehend, grasp |
he couldn't understand anything we said |
понимать, постигать |
143 |
understanding [ʌndəˈstændɪŋ] |
noun |
comprehension, apprehension |
there were a lot of foreign visitors with little understanding of English |
понимание, осмысление |
144 |
understandable [ʌndəˈstændəbl] |
adj |
comprehensible, intelligible |
make it understandable to the beginner |
понятный, ясный |
145 |
respond [rɪsˈpɔnd] |
verb |
answer, reply to |
hey do not respond to questions |
отвечать |
146 |
response [rɪsˈpɔns] |
noun |
answer, reply |
his response to the question |
ответ |
147 |
require [rɪˈkwaɪə] |
verb |
need |
the child required hospital treatment |
нуждаться, требовать |
148 |
requirement [rɪˈkwaɪəmənt] |
noun |
need, wish, demand |
good spelling is a requirement of the job |
требование |
149 |
commerce [ˈkɔmɜːs] |
noun |
trade, trading |
the department of foreign commerce |
торговля, коммерция |
150 |
commercial [kəˈmɜːʃəl] |
adj |
trade, trading |
this vessel was built for commercial purposes |
торговый, коммерческий |
151 |
tradition [trəˈdɪʃn] |
noun |
historical convention, unwritten law |
the great traditions of the nation |
традиция, старый обычай |
152 |
traditional [trəˈdɪʃənl] |
adj |
long-established, customary |
traditional Christmas fare |
традиционный |
153 |
traditionally [trəˈdɪʃnəlɪ] |
adv |
classically |
a district that traditionally votes Republican |
по традиции, традиционно, обычно |
154 |
regard [rɪˈgɑːd] |
verb |
consider, look on |
we regard these results as encouraging |
расценивать, рассматривать, считать |
155 |
regarding [rɪˈgɑːdɪŋ] |
prep |
concerning, as regards |
your recent letter regarding the above proposal. |
относительно, касательно, о |
156 |
mean [miːn] |
verb |
signify, convey |
lashing lights mean the road is blocked |
означать |
157 |
meaning [ˈmiːnɪŋ] |
noun |
significance, sense |
the meaning of his remark was horrible |
значение |
158 |
meaningless [ˈmiːnɪŋlɪs] |
adj |
unintelligible, incomprehensible |
the paragraph was a jumble of meaningless words |
бессмысленный, бесцельный |
159 |
discover [dɪsˈkʌvə] |
verb |
find, locate, come across/upon |
firemen discovered a body in the building |
открывать |
160 |
discovery [dɪsˈkʌvərɪ] |
noun |
finding, location |
the discovery of the body took us a while |
открытие |
161 |
capable [ˈkeɪpəbl] |
adj |
competent, able |
a capable young doctor cured him fast |
умелый, знающий |
162 |
incapable [ɪnˈkeɪpəbl] |
adj |
incompetent, inept |
the job assigned to an incapable people |
неспособный, неумелый |
163 |
friend [frend] |
noun |
companion, soul mate |
he is my close friend |
друг |
164 |
friendship [ˈfrendʃɪp] |
noun |
relationship, close relationship |
it’s a long lasting friendships |
дружба |
165 |
friendly [ˈfrendlɪ] |
adj |
affable, amiable |
she is a friendly woman |
дружеский |
166 |
unfriendly [ˈʌnˈfrendlɪ] |
adj |
hostile, disagreeable |
an unfriendly look |
недружелюбный |
167 |
nature [ˈneɪʧə] |
noun |
the natural world, Mother Nature |
he beauty of nature |
природа, мир |
168 |
natural [ˈnæʧrəl] |
noun |
normal, ordinary |
It was a natural occurrence |
естественный, природный |
169 |
unnatural [ʌnˈnæʧrəl] |
adj |
abnormal, unusual |
the life of a circus bear is completely unnatural |
неестественный, ненормальный |
170 |
naturally [ˈnæʧrəlɪ] |
adv |
by nature, by character |
he's naturally shy |
естественно, свободно |
171 |
unnaturally [ʌnˈnæʧrəlɪ] |
adv |
aberrantly |
he expected, not unnaturally, that his father would help him |
неестественно, противоестественно |
172 |
taste [teɪst] |
noun |
flavor, savor |
a distinctive sharp taste |
вкус (чувство) |
173 |
taste [teɪst] |
verb |
sample, test, try |
Adam tasted the wine |
пробовать, отведать |
174 |
tasty [ˈteɪstɪ] |
adj |
delicious, palatable |
it was a tasty meal |
вкусный |
175 |
tasteless [ˈteɪstlɪs] |
adj |
flavorless, bland |
the vegetables were tasteless |
пресный, безвкусный |
176 |
help [help] |
noun |
assist, aid |
can you help me please? |
помогать |
177 |
helpless [ˈhelplɪs] |
adj |
dependent, incapable |
the cubs are born blind and helpless |
беспомощный |
178 |
helpful [ˈhelpfʊl] |
adj |
obliging, eager to please |
the staff are helpful |
полезный |
179 |
appear [əˈpɪə] |
verb |
become visible, come into view |
a cloud of dust appeared on the horizon |
появляться, показываться |
180 |
disappear [dɪsəˈpɪə] |
verb |
vanish, pass from sight |
by 4 o'clock the mist had disappeared |
исчезать, скрываться |
181 |
appearance [əˈpɪərəns] |
noun |
arrival, advent |
the sudden appearance of her daughter |
появление |
182 |
disappearance [dɪsəˈpɪərəns] |
noun |
vanishing, fading |
his sudden disappearance made me surprised |
исчезновение |
183 |
assist [əˈsɪst] |
verb |
help, aid |
I spend my time assisting the chef |
помогать, содействовать |
184 |
assistance [əˈsɪstəns] |
noun |
help, aid, support |
the governor has requested federal assistance |
помощь, поддержка |
185 |
assistant [əˈsɪstənt] |
noun |
helper, deputy |
he is a photographer's assistant |
помощник, ассистент |
186 |
member [ˈmembə] |
noun |
subscriber, associate |
a member of the club |
член, участник |
187 |
membership [ˈmɛmbəʃɪp] |
noun |
group, belonging |
I am going to apply for membership of the club |
членство |
188 |
act [ækt] |
noun |
take action, take steps |
the government must act to remedy the situation |
действовать, поступать |
189 |
active [ˈæktɪv] |
adj |
energetic, lively |
he is an active child |
деятельный, энергичный |
190 |
inactive [ˈæktɪv] |
idle, indolent, lazy |
I was terribly inactive over the holidays |
бездеятельный, пассивный, инертный |
191 |
activity [ækˈtɪvɪtɪ] |
noun |
bustle, hustle and bustle |
there was a lot of activity in the area |
активность, энергия |
192 |
activity [ækˈtɪvɪtɪ] |
noun |
pursuit, occupation |
a wide range of activities |
деятельность, мероприятие |
193 |
interactive [ɪntəˈræktɪv] |
adj |
two-way, responsive |
for an interactive version of this game, visit our website |
интерактивный, взаимодействующий |
194 |
fortune [ˈfɔːʧən] |
noun |
luck, fate, destiny |
It was bad /ill/ fortune for him |
счастье, удача |
195 |
fortunately [ˈfɔːʧənətlɪ] |
adv |
luckily, by good luck |
fortunately no one was injured in the collision |
к счастью |
196 |
unfortunately [ʌnˈfɔːʧʊnətlɪ] |
adv |
unluckily, sadly |
unfortunately, Mr. Hillman will not be joining us tonight |
к несчастью, к сожалению |
197 |
fortunate [ˈfɔːʧnɪt] |
adj |
lucky, favored |
he was fortunate that the punishment was so slight |
счастливый, удачливый |
198 |
fortunate [ˈfɔːʧnɪt] |
adj |
favorable, advantageous |
in a fortunate position |
благоприятный |
199 |
govern [ˈgʌvən] |
verb |
rule, preside over, reign over |
he governs the province |
руководить, направлять |
200 |
government [ˈgʌvnmənt] |
noun |
administration, executive |
the government announced further cuts |
правительство |
201 |
governor [ˈgʌvənə] |
noun |
leader, ruler |
the governor of the island has issued a weather alert |
правитель, тот, кто управляет |
202 |
save [seɪv] |
verb |
rescue |
the captain was saved by his crew |
спасать |
203 |
safe [seɪf] |
adj |
secure, protected |
the jewels are safe in the bank |
безопасный |
204 |
safety [ˈseɪftɪ] |
noun |
security, soundness |
she worried about the safety of people |
безопасность |
205 |
unsafe [ˈʌnˈseɪf] |
adj |
dangerous, risky |
the building was unsafe |
ненадежный, опасный |
206 |
safely [ˈseɪflɪ] |
adv |
welfare, well-being |
the safety of the residents was ok |
безопасно, надежно |
207 |
legal [ˈliːgəl] |
adj |
lawful, legitimate |
the legal sale of alcoholic beverages |
законный |
208 |
illegal [ɪˈliːgəl] |
adj |
unlawful, illicit, illegitimate |
illegal campaign contributions |
незаконный |
209 |
employ [ɪmˈplɔɪ] |
verb |
hire, engage, recruit |
she employed a chauffeur |
нанимать |
210 |
employment [ɪmˈplɔɪmənt] |
noun |
work, service |
she found employment as a clerk |
работа (по найму), служба |
211 |
unemployment [ˈʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt] |
noun |
joblessness |
my unemployment lasted about six months |
безработица, незанятость |
212 |
unemployed [ˈʌnɪmˈplɔɪd] |
adj |
jobless, out-of-work |
most of my former colleagues are still unemployed |
безработный |
213 |
employee [emplɔɪˈiː] |
noun |
worker |
each employee receives a Thanksgiving turkey |
рабочий, служащий |
214 |
employer [ɪmˈplɔɪə] |
noun |
manager, boss, proprietor |
his employer gave him a glowing reference |
наниматель, работодатель |
215 |
employed [ɪmˈplɔɪd] |
adv |
working, in work |
these are the employed workers |
имеющий работу |
216 |
qualify [ˈkwɔlɪfaɪ] |
verb |
characterize, entitle |
this book can be hardly qualified as a works of art |
оценивать, квалифицировать |
217 |
qualification [kwɔlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] |
noun |
certificate, diploma |
I left school at 15 with no qualifications |
диплом, аттестат |
218 |
difficult [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] |
adj |
hard, strenuous |
it was a very difficult job |
трудный, сложный, тяжелый |
219 |
difficulty [ˈdɪfɪkəltɪ] |
noun |
strain, trouble |
the difficulty of balancing motherhood with a career |
трудность |
220 |
train [treɪn] |
noun |
instruct, teach |
he trained the football team |
обучать, готовить (к чему-л.) |
221 |
training [ˈtreɪnɪŋ] |
noun |
exercise, exercises |
I had four months' hard training before the tournament |
обучение, подготовка |
222 |
possible [ˈpɔsəbl] |
adj |
potential, prospective |
a possible future leader |
возможный |
223 |
possibly [ˈpɔsəblɪ] |
adv |
perhaps, maybe |
possibly he took the boy with him |
возможно |
224 |
impossible [ɪmˈpɔsəbl] |
adj |
not possible, out of the question |
it was impossible to call him |
невозможный |
225 |
possibility [pɔsəˈbɪlɪtɪ] |
noun |
chance, likelihood |
there is a possibility that he might be alive |
возможность |
226 |
locate [ləʊˈkeɪt] |
verb |
find, discover |
Could you help me locate this photograph? |
найти, показать местонахождение (чего-л.) |
227 |
locate [ləʊˈkeɪt] |
verb |
situate, site, position |
his office is located in this building |
разместить, поместить |
228 |
location [ləʊˈkeɪʃn] |
noun |
position, place |
we've found the perfect location for our family reunion |
местоположение, расположение |
229 |
apply [əˈplaɪ] |
verb |
put in an application, put in |
more than 300 people applied for the job |
подавать заявление |
230 |
application [æplɪˈkeɪʃn] |
noun |
request, appeal |
it’s an application for a loan |
заявление, заявка |
231 |
myth [mɪθ] |
noun |
folk tale, folk story |
we studied ancient Greek myths |
миф, вымысел |
232 |
mythology [mɪˈθɔləʤɪ] |
noun |
myth(s), legend(s) |
no ancient culture is without its mythology |
мифология |
233 |
hero [ˈhɪərəʊ] |
noun |
brave person, brave man |
he was a war hero |
герой |
234 |
heroic [hɪˈrəʊɪk] |
adj |
brave, courageous |
firefighters perform heroic acts every single day |
героический, геройский |
235 |
invent [ɪnˈvent] |
verb |
originate, create |
Louis Braille invented an alphabet for the blind |
изобретать, создавать |
236 |
invention [ɪnˈvenʃn] |
noun |
origination, creation |
the invention of the telescope |
открытие, изобретение |
237 |
inventor [ɪnˈventə] |
noun |
originator, creator |
he was the inventor of the separating zipper |
изобретатель |
238 |
think [θɪŋk] |
verb |
believe, be of the opinion |
I think he's gone home |
думать, размышлять, мыслить |
239 |
thought [θɔːt] |
noun |
idea, notion, opinion |
what are your thoughts on the matter? |
мысль |
240 |
instruct [ɪnˈstrʌkt] |
verb |
teach, school |
he instructed them in the use of firearms |
инструктировать, учить |
241 |
instruction [ɪnˈstrʌkʃn] |
noun |
teaching, coaching |
most of the instruction we received was combat-related |
обучение, преподавание |
242 |
warn [wɔːn] |
verb |
notify, alert |
David warned her about the cat |
предупреждать, предостерегать |
243 |
warning [ˈwɔːnɪŋ] |
noun |
(advance) notice |
he earthquake came without warning |
предупреждение, предостережение |
244 |
recognize [ˈrekəgnaɪz] |
verb |
identify, place |
Hannah recognized him at once |
узнавать, опознавать |
245 |
recognition [rekəgˈnɪʃn] |
noun |
identification, recollection |
there was no sign of recognition on his face |
узнавание, опознавание |
246 |
construct [kənˈstrʌkt] |
verb |
build, erect, put up |
a new high-rise was being constructed |
строить, сооружать, |
247 |
construction [kənˈstrʌkʃn] |
noun |
building, erection |
the construction of a new airport took them 5 years |
строительство, стройка, |
248 |
constructor [kənˈstrʌktə] |
noun |
builder |
he was a good constructor |
строитель, конструктор, инженер |
249 |
high [haɪ] |
adj |
tall, lofty |
that was a high mountain |
высокий |
250 |
height [haɪt] |
noun |
size, tallness |
the height of the wall was 5 miters |
высота, вышина |
251 |
prison [ prɪzn] |
noun |
jail, lockup |
the prisons upstate are just as crowded |
тюрьма, темница |
252 |
prisoner [ˈprɪznə] |
noun |
convict, detainee |
a prisoner serving a life sentence |
заключенный, арестант |
253 |
build [bɪld] |
verb |
construct, erect |
they were building a new house |
сооружать, строить |
254 |
building [ˈbɪldɪŋ] |
noun |
construction, erection |
the building of power stations was forbidden |
здание, строение |
255 |
visit [ˈvɪzɪt] |
verb |
call on, pay a visit to, go to see |
I visited my dear uncle |
навещать (кого-л.) |
256 |
visitor [ˈvɪzɪtə] |
noun |
guest, caller |
I am expecting a visitor |
посетитель, гость |
257 |
interest [ˈɪntrɪst] |
noun |
attentiveness, attention |
we listened with interest |
интерес |
258 |
interesting [ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ] |
adj |
absorbing, engrossing |
that was really interesting |
интересный |
259 |
interested [ˈɪntrɪstɪd] |
adv |
curious, concerned |
you will be interested to know |
заинтересованный |
260 |
France [frɑːns] |
noun |
France is an interesting country |
франция |
261 |
French [frenʧ] |
adj |
she didn’t speak French. |
французский |
262 |
fly [flaɪ] |
verb |
travel through the air |
this bird flies fast |
летать |
263 |
flight [flaɪt] |
noun |
airplane/plane trip |
my flight to New York was canceled |
полет |
264 |
hot [hɔt] |
adj |
heated |
hot food is good for me |
горячий, жаркий |
265 |
heat [hiːt] |
adj |
warm, warm up |
the food was heated fast |
жара, зной |
266 |
direct [dɪˈrekt] |
adj |
straight, undeviating |
the most direct route was through the island |
прямо, прямой, открытый |
267 |
directly [dɪˈrektlɪ] |
adv |
immediately, right |
I went directly after the meeting |
прямо, сразу |
268 |
direction [dɪˈrekʃn] |
noun |
way, route |
he gave us the right direction |
направление, путь |
269 |
directed [dɪˈrektɪd] |
adj |
administrated, managed |
It was a directed program |
направляемый, руководимый |
270 |
director [dɪˈrektə] |
noun |
administrator, manager |
the director of the museum |
руководитель, начальник |
271 |
excite [ɪkˈsaɪt] |
verb |
thrill, exhilarate |
the idea of a vacation excited me |
возбуждать, волновать |
272 |
exciting [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] |
adj |
thrilling, exhilarating |
that was an exciting story |
возбуждающий, волнующий, захватывающий |
273 |
excitement [ɪkˈsaɪtmənt] |
noun |
thrill |
I feeling excitement about upcoming trip |
возбуждение, волнение |
274 |
excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] |
adv |
thrilled, exhilarated |
they were excited about the prospect |
возбужденный, взволнованный |
275 |
love [lʌv] |
noun |
deep affection, fondness |
his friendship with Helen grew into love |
любовь |
276 |
lover [ˈlʌvə] |
noun |
boyfriend, girlfriend |
she had a secret lover |
любовник |
277 |
attract [əˈtrækt] |
verb |
entice, allure |
he was attracted by her smile |
привлекать, притягивать |
278 |
attraction [əˈtrækʃn] |
noun |
entertainment, activity |
the fair offers sideshows and other attractions |
достопримеча-тельность |
279 |
attractive [əˈtræktɪv] |
adj |
appealing, inviting |
a more attractive career |
привлекательный, притягательный |
280 |
unattractive [ˌʌnəˈtræktɪv] |
plain, ugly |
there were only a few unattractive dresses left on the rack |
непривлекательный |
281 |
enjoy [ɪnˈʤɔɪ] |
verb |
like, love |
he enjoys playing the piano |
наслаждаться (чем-л.) |
282 |
enjoyable [ɪnˈʤɔɪəbl] |
adj |
entertaining, amusing |
a most enjoyable movie |
приятный, доставляющий удовольствие |
283 |
enjoyment [ɪnˈʤɔɪmənt] |
noun |
pleasure, fun |
he has brought enjoyment to millions |
удовольствие, радость, наслаждение |
284 |
adventure [ədˈvenʧə] |
noun |
excitement, thrill |
they set off in search of adventure |
приключение |
285 |
adventurous [ədˈvenʧərəs] |
adj |
daring, daredevil |
she is an adventurous traveler |
отважный, любящий приключения |
286 |
nerve [nɜːv] |
noun |
confidence, assurance |
he match will be a test of nerve |
присутствие духа, мужество |
287 |
nervous [ˈnɜːvəs] |
adj |
high-strung, anxious |
she was a nervous woman |
нервный, нервозный, |
288 |
scare [skɛə] |
verb |
frighten, startle |
stop it, you're scaring me |
испугать, напугать |
289 |
scary [ˈskɛərɪ] |
adj |
frightening, alarming |
that movie is too scary for me |
жуткий, ужасный |
290 |
scared [skɛəd] |
adv |
frightened, afraid |
I've never been so scared in all my life |
напуганный, испуганный |
291 |
favor [ˈfeɪvə] |
noun |
service, good turn |
will you do me a favor? |
должение, милость, любезность |
292 |
favorite [ˈfeɪvərɪt] |
adj |
best-loved, most-liked |
his favorite aunt |
излюбленный, любимый, |
293 |
act [ækt] |
verb |
take action, take steps |
the government must act to remedy the situation |
действовать, поступать, вести себя |
294 |
acting [ˈæktɪŋ] |
noun |
drama, the theater |
the theory and practice of acting |
игра, мастерство (актеров) |
295 |
actor [ˈæktə] |
noun |
performer, player |
favorite Hollywood actors |
актер, артист |
296 |
interact [ɪntərˈækt] |
verb |
communicate, cooperate |
exhibitions will allow consumers and manufacturer to interact directly |
взаимодействовать, влиять др. на друга |
297 |
perform [pəˈfɔːm] |
verb |
carry out, do, execute |
I have my duties to perform |
исполнять, выполнять, делать |
298 |
performance [pəˈfɔːməns] |
noun |
show, production |
the evening performance went well |
представление, спектакль |
299 |
danger [ˈdeɪnʤə] |
noun |
menace, hazard |
that car is a danger on the roads |
опасность |
300 |
dangerous [ˈdeɪnʤrəs] |
adj |
menacing, threatening, |
Lion is a dangerous animal |
опасный |
301 |
behave [bɪˈheɪv] |
verb |
act correctly, act properly |
the children behaved themselves |
вести себя, поступать |
302 |
behavior [bɪˈheɪvɪər] |
noun |
conduct, deportment |
his behavior was inexcusable |
поведение |
303 |
misbehavior [mɪsbɪˈheɪvɪər] |
noun |
bad behaviour, misconduct |
he had denied all his misbehaviou |
плохое поведение |
304 |
talent [ˈtælənt] |
noun |
flair, aptitude |
he had a natural talent for dancing |
талант, дар |
305 |
talented [ˈtæləntɪd] |
adj |
gifted, skillful, skilled |
he is a talented sculptor |
талантливый |
306 |
educate [ˈedjuːkeɪt] |
verb |
teach, school, tutor |
it's nearly impossible to educate children who hate studying |
воспитывать, обучать |
307 |
education [edjuːˈkeɪʃn] |
noun |
teaching, schooling, tuition |
the education of young children is going on well |
образование, обучение |
308 |
educated [ˈɛdjʊkeɪtɪd] |
adj |
informed, literate, schooled |
her assistant was an educated and creative young man |
образованный |
309 |
educational [edjuːˈkeɪʃənl] |
adj |
teaching, informational |
we saw educational film in school |
учебный, воспитательный |
310 |
study [ˈstʌdɪ] |
verb |
learning, education, schooling |
I have two years of study left |
изучать, исследовать |
311 |
student [ˈstjuːdənt] |
noun |
scholar, undergraduate |
I am a college student |
учащийся, студент |
312 |
real [rɪəl] |
adj |
actual, nonfictional |
is she a fictional character or a real person? |
действительный, реальный |