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A Pair of Shoes

Mr Black was just shutting his shoe shop at the end of the day when he saw a man in a well-cut suit walk in. The man wanted Mr Black to show him an expensive pair of shoes. It was a stroke of A22 luck: such shoes meant a large sum of money. Chatting pleasantly, Mr Black showed him the most expensive suede pair. But the man insisted on a leather one. There was something about the way the man talking that made Mr Black feel A23 suspicious. He thought he had seen the man before somewhere and then he remembered where. Mr Black A24 came across his photo in a magazine and saw it on TV. The man was a criminal and was wanted by the police. "If I sell him shoes that are not comfortable, he will return to change them," Mr Black thought. "But I am not sure I will be able to sell them to him." Then Mr Black decided that he would try. The man A25 triedon a few pairs before he bought the pair that Mr Black strongly recommended. "They are a bit A26 tight," he complained. "They will stretch, sir," Mr Black said. "Just buy them. You will never regret it. What size do you wear, sir? Shall I wrap them for you?" "O.K., do it," answered the man. As Mr Black expected, the man came into the shop the next day to A27 complain about the shoes. As he entered the shop he was surrounded by the police. Mr Black exclaimed: "I have done it! Yesterday I deliberately sold the man a pair of shoes that was a size too small. I knew he would A28 take them back the next day!"


1) news

2) surprise

3) luck

A stroke/bit of luck - удача; устоявшееся выражение

4) happiness


1) worrying


2) suspicious

недоверчивый, подозрительный

3) trembling


4) responsible



1) came

Come across - натыкаться на что-либо (случайно); остальных трех сочетаний не существует

2) found

3) took

4) gave


1) tried

Try on - примерять (одежду)

2) took

Take on - принимать на службу; браться за работу

3) got

Get on - Надевать что-либо; делать успехи; ладить

4) gave

Give on - нет такого сочетания


1) solid

твердый; надежный

2) loose

просторный (об одежде)

3) stable


4) tight



1) admit


2) tell


3) complain


4) regret



1) take

Take smth back - вернуть что-либо назад в магазин

2) bring

Bring smth back - принести что-либо назад; ввести что-либо вновь в практику

3) get

Get smth back - получить что-либо назад

4) exchange

Exchange smth back - нет такого сочетания