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Прилагательные, описывающие Гиену |
1 |
кровожадная |
bloodthirsty |
2 |
хищная |
ravenous |
3 |
подлая |
mean |
4 |
страшная |
scary |
5 |
трусливая |
coward |
6 |
ночная |
nocturnal |
7 |
зубастая |
toothy |
8 |
наглая |
impudent |
Look at the picture. |
Посмотрите на картинку. |
You can see a hyena. |
Вы можете видеть гиену. |
This hyena has round pricked ears. |
У этой гиены круглые торчащие уши. |
It has two black eyes and blackish muzzle. |
Она имеет два черных глаза и черноватую морду. |
Its nose is black too. |
Её нос тоже черный. |
Its fur is ginger colored with black spots. |
Её мех имбирного цвета с черными пятнами. |
That’s why it’s called a spotted hyena. |
Вот почему её называют пятнистая гиена. |
It has a mane that grows along its back. |
У нё есть грива, которая растет вдоль спины. |
Its tail is black. |
Её хвост черный. |
Its front legs are higher than the hind ones. |
Её передние ноги выше задних. |
Hyenas are dangerous. |
Гиены опасны. |
They hunt other animals. |
Они охотятся на других животных. |
Look at the picture. You can see a hyena. The Spotted (1) Hyena is a mammal of the Hyenas family. The only modern species of this genus is Crocuta. Spotted hyenas live mainly in southern and eastern Africa.
This hyena has round pricked ears, two black eyes and blackish muzzle (2) with black nose. Its fur is ginger colored with black spots. It has a mane (3) that grows from the top of its head and finishes at the middle of the spine. Its tail is black. The tail of hyenas show their social status. If the tail turned up, it means a high social position. If it lowered, it means a low social position. Its front legs are higher than the hind (4) ones.
Until recently, hyenas were considered only scavengers (5), but by many observations proved that in 90% of cases hyenas kill their prey. Spotted hyenas in 4 cases out of 5 hunt by themselves.
This kind of hyenas (spotted hyena) is the largest of all kinds of hyenas. Its length reaches up to 1.3 m, with a height of 80 cm. The weight of adult male hyenas reaches 40-55 kg while female usually weight between 44-64 kg .
During the hunt, hyenas develop speeds up to 60 km/hr and maintain it for 5 km, which makes them one of the most successful hunters in Africa. Unlike (6) lions, which have only 5 successful attacks out of 10, hyenas succeed (7) in 4 out of 5 attempts (8).
Hyena's prey is usually found with the help of its sight (9) and hearing. Hyenas have strong jaws, which allow them to crack bones.
Alone Hyena can kill an antelope that is 3 times larger than itself. Although, usually they hunt in pairs. A pack of hyenas can kill a buffalo, a young giraffe or a baby elephant.
The howling of a spotted hyena is like laughter.
Spotted hyenas live in clans. In the clans there is a strict hierarchy (10). A lower position female is higher than any male. When the female hyenas have fights for top position, one of the rivals (11) often dies.
Often lions take away the prey of hyenas. One male lion can fight off an entire clan of hyenas for their prey. Lions also often kill hyenas and their cubs. Although, old lions often find their death in the teeth of hyenas.
In the wild an hyena's life expectancy is about 25 years, in captivity they can live up to 40 years.
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Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):
1 |
spotted [ˈspɑːtɪd] |
пятнистый |
2 |
muzzle [ˈmʌzl] |
морда |
3 |
mane [meɪn] |
грива |
4 |
hind [haɪnd] |
задний |
5 |
scavenger [ˈskævɪndʒər] |
животное, птица или рыба, питающиеся отбросами или падалью |
6 |
unlike [ˌʌnˈlaɪk] |
в отличие от |
7 |
succeed [səkˈsiːd] |
достигнуть цели, добиться |
8 |
attempt [əˈtempt] |
попытка |
9 |
sight [saɪt] |
зрение |
10 |
hierarchy [ˈhaɪərɑːrki] |
иерархия |
11 |
rival [ˈraɪvl] |
соперник |