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Why do some people have differently coloured eyes?


There are not many people in the world who have two multi-coloured eyes. It is pretty uncommon; just 11 out of every 1,000 people have eyes of different colours. This condition is known as heterochromia.



There are three types of it: the first one is complete, when each eye is coloured differently, for example, one blue and one brown. The second one is central, when both eyes are similar but they are coloured in two different colours. And sectoral heterochromia is when an iris of one eye has a splash of colour that is different from the total colour of the eyes.



This dysfunction may be caused by several factors, and can even develop over time. Usually the colour of an iris develops during the first few months after birth and it is generally inherited from parents.



But sometimes, the colour of person's eyes may change because of an injury or an infection that affects only one eye.



Traditionally, people with different colour of their eyes were TRADITION seen as magicians, wizards or witches. Today people with multicoloured eyes or eyes of different colour seem to be considered attractive and get the attention of others.