milla Jovovich1 milla Jovovich2
Milla Jovovich Milla Jovovich




01face 02hair 03forehead 04eyebrows 05eyes 06ears 07nose 08lips 09chin



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linking words 1

In the picture you can see a woman.

На картинке вы можете видеть женщину.

She is about 35 years old.

Ей около 35 лет.

She has shoulder-length brunette hair in the second picture.

На второй фотографии у нее волосы светлые волосы длиной до плеч.

Her forehead is M-shaped.

Ее лоб м-образный.

She has blue eyes.

У нее голубые глаза.

Her nose is long.

Ее длинный нос.

Her lips are wide and full.

Ее губы широкие и полноватые.

Small curls of hair hang from both sides of the face in the second picture.

На второй картинке с обеих сторон лица свисают маленькие кудри волос.

She has a round chin.

У нее круглый подбородок.

She looks attractive.

Она выглядит привлекательно.


Read by George William Dole


About Milla Jovovich (краткие биографические сведения)


Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich is an American actress, model and musician. Milla was born on the December 17th , 1975 in Kiev, and is known professionally as Milla Jovovich. Her father - Bogdan Jovovich was a Serbian doctor from Montenegro. Her mother - Galina Loginova is Russian. She was a Soviet and American actress whose ancestors (1) came from the town of Tula.


In 1980, her family moved to London, then to Sacramento, USA, and then to Los Angeles. At school, other children were not friendly to Milla because her parents were from the Soviet Union. Her parents worked as cooks and housekeepers for director Brian De Palma.

Milla got into the modeling business at the age of 11. She first appeared on the cover (2) of the Italian magazine "Lei".


She first appeared in movies when she was 13 years old in Zalman King's film, "The Merging of Two Moons", 1988. At the age of 15 she starred in the film "Return to the Blue Lagoon", 1991.


In 1994, Milla released (3) her first music album, "The Divine Comedy". She then went on tour with her band “Plastic Has Memory” to Europe and the USA.


However (4), in 1996, she returned and tried out for (5) the female lead role in a Luc Besson film. On her second attempt (6), she got the role and in 1997 she starred in the film "The Fifth Element".  It was her breakthrough film in her career. At the end of the year she married Besson.


Milla Jovovich is left-handed. Her height is 174 cm. She does Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu martial arts (7). She speaks fluently (8) English, Russian, Serbian and French.

On August 22, 2009, Milla married for the third time. Her husband is Paul Anderson, with whom she met 7 years before they married. The couple have two daughters.

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Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):



ancestor [ˈænsestər]



cover [ˈkʌvər]



release [rɪˈliːs]



however [haʊˈevər]



try out for

участвовать в


attempt [əˈtempt]



martial arts [ˈmɑːrʃl ˈɑːrts]

боевое искусскуство


fluently [ˈfluːəntli]

бегло, свободно


Read by George William Dole


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