[Shack Forms] Init failed


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А21-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. TEST  16 ( part 3)



Adam was struggling. It was his very first day at school the next day, and his mother had bought him some new shoes for the A21 occasion. The problem was they had laces and Adam still couldn't tie them up himself. He'd been practising unsuccessfully for days, and now, less than 24 hours before the big day, he A22 felt a failure.

'I can't do it!' he shouted in desperation. 'Everyone at school's going to laugh at me.'

'No, they're not, Adam. Don't worry. I A23 bet lots of them don't know how to tie up their shoelaces properly yet. Just A24 keep trying. Do you want me to show you again?' Adam nodded.

Mrs Carstairs patiently held Adam's fingers in hers, and talked him through the required steps. 'Now, you try A25 on your own,' she said. 'I won't say a word.'

Adam picked up a lace in each hand. He crossed them, with the right lace going over the left, and pulled the right lace under the left and through.

'Excellent, Adam! That's the first A26 stage !'

'Quiet, Mummy! You said you wouldn't say anything.'


He pulled the laces tight, and slowly A27 formed a loop with the left lace. Carefully, but slowly, he managed to make a perfect bow.

'You've done it!' shouted his mother. 'Now do the other shoe.'

Adam did the other shoe perfectly.

In the next twenty minutes, Adam tied his laces another six times.

Finally he said: 'Mummy, now I know how to tie my shoes, why do I have to go to school tomorrow?

I A28 mean, what can they possibly teach me that I don't already know?'


1) incident

For the incident - для этого случая, проишествия

2) instance

For the instance – нет аткого сочетания, есть for instance

3) situation

For the situation - для этой ситуации

4) occasion

For the occasion - для этого случая, важного события


1) sensed

Sense a failure - предчувствовать провал (менее предпочтительно, но так тоже можно сказать. Здесь от вас ожидают, что вы выберете более предпочтительный вариант, как feel a failure)

2) felt

Feel a failure - предчувствовать провал (более предпочтительный вариант)

3) suffered

Suffer a failure - подвергнуться неудаче

4) experienced

Experience a failure - испытать неудачу


1) bet

I bet - держу пари

2) gamble

I gamble - я играю в азартные игры

3) risk

I risk - я рискую

4) chance

I chance - я решаюсь, рискую ( редко, обычно chance используется как существительноев словосочетании take a chance)


1) stay

2) hold

3) keep

Keep trying - продолжать стараться; утоявшееся выражение

4) remain


1) by

2) in

3) on

On one's own - самостоятельно, независимо; устоявшееся выражение

4) with


1) point

пункт, точка, отметка

2) stage

стадия, шаг

3) period


4) chapter



1) collected

произвел сборку,собрал

2) manufactured

произвел, изготовил

3) assembled

подобрал, собрал

4) formed

сделал, сформировал, придал форму


1) mean

иметь в виду

2) suggest


3) represent

представлять, изображать

4) intend



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