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Письменное задание 01 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Writing 1

You have 20 min to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Elizabeth who writes:

            ...Yesterday, I finished reading a book about the 14th century England. What kind of books do you like reading? What do think the most interesting period in Russian history is and why? If there were a time machine, what country and what era would you like to visit?
I got a new camera for my birthday this year! ...

Write a letter to Elizabeth. In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask  3 questions  about her birthday this year.
Write  100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.



29 January 2016

Dear Elizabeth,

       Thanks a lot for your letter. Sorry I have not written for so long. I’ve been really busy lately.
       I am really glad to hear that you read historical books.

           As for me, I like to read detectives and fiction. They make me think and dream. I think that 20th century is the most important and interesting period. During that time, the most important science and cultural events happened. If I had a time machine I would visit America, New York at the time when people started building this city.

       By the way, what camera did you get? Do you like it? Is it a digital or film one?

       Well, I’d better go now because I have to do my homework.


Read by Neil Geitz



Письменное задание 02 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Writing 2


You have 20 min to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Kevin who writes:

        Last week we flew to Florida for my aunt's birthday. It was awful! We were three hours late boarding the plane and then spent another hour waiting for the take-off. If we had gone by car, we would have got there more quickly. Do you prefer to travel by car, train or airplane and why? Do you agree that air travel is not always the quickest? Which is the most dangerous in your opinion?
I am planning to take driving lessons soon...


Write a letter to Kevin.
In your letter
- answer his questions
- ask 3 questions about his plans for driving lessons.
Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.



29 January 2016


       Dear Kevin,

       Thanks a lot for your letter. Sorry I have not written for so long. I’ve been really busy lately with my work.


       Sorry to learn about the delay for your aunt’s birthday.


       Well, I think air travel is the most dangerous. I like traveling by car. So I can stop whenever I want and move on my own speed. Last summer one of my friends and I traveled to a nearby resort in our car and it was fun. We even bought some souvenirs on the way there and took pictures.


       By the way, what car will you be driving? How much time would it take for you to finish the lessons? Are you confident about driving a car in heavy traffic?

       Well, I’d better go now because I have to pic my brother from the train station.


       Please write back soon!


       Take care,




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