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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 01-21 (part 1)


The Climate of Russia



Russia has a varied climate. Almost all of Russia is situated in the North Temperature Zone.
(present simple passive, т.к. она находится, а не она расположила)



The climate is continental; however, the fluctuations in temperature are greater than in other European countries.
(степень сравнения)



The extreme north is a cold bare region — the tundra. For more than six months it is buried in snow.
(present simple passive, т.к. она находится, а не она расположила)



This region can be called the land of frozen rivers.
(Participle II “замёрзший”, подходит по смысловому контексту)



In May the temperature begins to rise. The gloomy night is succeeded by continuous daylight, when the sun does not sink/ doesn’t sink below the horizon for several months.
(present simple, т.к. это общее утверждение. это происходит всегда, регулярно.)



The better part of Russia is not influenced by the warm winds of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. There are no mountains in the north to form a barrier against the cold winds blowing from the Arctic Ocean.
(Participle I, “дующий”, подходит по смысловому контексту)



The extreme west of Russia has a temperate climate. Thus, the summers in the Baltic are cool and the winters mild. If we go further/ farther east, the climate will become more continental.
(степень сравнения)



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