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Общее время ответа одного участника ОГЭ (включая время на подготовку) – 15 минут. Каждое последующее задание выдаётся после окончания выполнения предыдущего задания. Всё время ответа ведётся аудиозапись. Постарайтесь полностью выполнить поставленные задачи, говорить ясно и чётко, не отходить от темы и следовать предложенному плану ответа. Так Вы сможете набрать наибольшее количество баллов.


Задание №1. прочитать текст 2 балла 
Задание №2. задать (прямые) вопросы6 баллов
Задание №3. описание картинки 7 баллов

ИТОГО: 20 баллов



В этом задании вам необходимо прочитать правильно текст, не допустив ошибок. Давайте разберём это задание на демоверсии 2018года.


Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время выполнения – не дольше 2 минуты
Балы за это задание – 2 балла


Task 1

You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.


Cats and people have been living together for thousands of years. Nowadays, domestic cats are extremely popular pets. According to statistics, they are even more popular than dogs. There is no doubt that cats love people as much as people appreciate them. Maybe it's because cats and humans share some physiological traits. For instance, a cat's brain is more similar to a human brain than a dog's. The regions of the brain responsible for emotion are identical in both humans and cats. Cats also have A and B blood types, just like people.


Read by George William Dole

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Задание № 2


Вам предлагается принять участие в условном диалоге- расспросе: ответить на шесть услышанных в аудиозаписи вопросов телефонного опроса.


Подготовка – 0 минут
Время выполнения2 минуты
Ваши вопросы – по 40 секунд на вопрос
Балы за это задание – 6 баллов (по баллу за вопрос)



Task 2

You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer the six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.


Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Dolphin Sports Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about doing sports in our region. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.


Electronic assistant: How do you get your pocket money?
Student: As a rule, my parents pay me for some work they want me to do. Sometimes my father needs some help with documents at the company he runs. Occassionally, I help our neighbors at our dacha and they pay me. I also help one company to fill in their web-site with different content information.


Electronic assistant: What do you spend your pocket money on?
Student: Mainly, I spend my pocket money on different things that my parents consider useless. Like, if I want to upgrade my computer to a more powerful version, I pay for it. If I want to buy the newest telephone, I have to pay myself. My parents call it capricious, but I call it trendy.


Electronic assistant: Would you like to take a part time job? Why?
Student: Actually, I love part time jobs and I’ve been taking them for more than 5 years. I call it 
"freelance job". I dedicate to this job a part of my time. I think that having a part time job makes a teen independent and teaches him to deal with money, plan his budget, and save money for something important. 


Electronic assistant: What part job would you recommend to any teenager who wants to earn some extra money during their summer holiday?

Student: I think I would recommend to a teen who wants to make some extra money to work as a delivery man, or a waiter. Those who understand computers could also make good content managers. You have to just upload some information to web-sites. He can also clean dishes at a restaurant. One of my friends had such a job and was quite satisfied.


Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Read by George William Dole

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Задание № 3


Вам необходимо построить связное монологическое высказывание на определённую тему с опорой на план. Время на подготовку – 1,5 минуты.


Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время ответа – 2 минуты (10 - 12 предложений)
Балы за это задание – 7 баллов


Task 3

You are going to give a talk about learning English. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).


Remember to say:


● what means of public transport is the most popular in your hometown;

● what environmental problems caused by cars exist in your hometown;

● whether the bicycle is a popular means of transport in your hometown; why / why not.


You have to talk continuously.




Using public transport is very convenient. However, it can cause some environmental problems.


I think that the most popular means of public transport in our city is the Metro. It’s faster than any other public transport. It is also more comfortable than say, buses or trolleybuses.


As far as I know, the biggest enviromental problem is air polution which is caused by cars. There are a lot of cars in our city. They produce a lot of unhealthy smog. Sometimes when you are walking along a street it’s hard to breath because of car fumes.


I guess bicycles are getting more and more popular in our city. The city government is going to make a special lane for bicyclers, although not all motorists like it. Frankly speaking, bicycles are not as popular here as say, in Europe but I hope that soon they will reach the same popularity.


That’s all I wanted to say.


Read by George William Dole

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Банк заданий демонстрационных вариантов по английскому ОГЭ (9-й класс).